2023 May
In May 2023 I dived Ainan in Ehime Prefecture, Japan with my good friend Andy Much and Shota Kumagai and Megumi Kato from Dive Ainan. 

Ehime Prefecture is a prefecture in north-western Shikoku. It has Seto Inland Sea to the north and is surrounded by Kagawa and Tokushima in the east and Kchi prefecture

This was exploratory diving for Andy with me fortunate enough to tag along. Andy’s principal goal was Cloudy Catsharks, a goal which proved unrealistic. However, to Andy’s delight, Graceful Catsharks were a realistic target albeit he would have to wait another 12 months to photograph one. And the location turned out to be home to numerous Japanese Butterfly rays - the visibility was a bit of a challenge but there were plenty of opportunities to shoot them. 

My goals were not so ambitious, Japanese Dragon and Kidako Eels, an old favourite of mine, Striped Boarfish and of course the many Japanese Butterfly rays.