2016 May

In May 2016 Mick Todd and I flew to Andros, the largest of the 26 Bahamian Islands, to join up with an Andy Murch Big Fish Expeditions group which was there in search of Smalltooth Sawfish. A year earlier in Bimini, I’d enjoyed three days of fabulous Great Hammerhead shark diving with Robin “BigRob” Ferguson aboard MV Bimini Blue and after that more superb Great Hammerhead shark diving with the legendary Neal Watson Junior. Now Robin, Neal and Bimini Blue were in Andros to look after us. It was great to catch up with them - hopefully our paths will cross again.

Any time spent in Andy’s company is always great fun and with Black Nose, Caribbean Reef, Silky and Tawny Nurse sharks around there were some excellent photo opportunities but my main objective had been to photograph Smalltooth Sawfish and in that regard, despite extensive searching, we did not enjoy great success.

On one occasion Mick, who was keeping lookout from our boat, somehow spotted one and alerted me. The water was really murky. I finned closer and closer and was almost on top of it before I finally saw it. The Sawfish was facing away from me, not the best perspective for a shot. As I considered trying to circle round to be in front of it, the Sawfish started to move. I got one “back end” shot of it before the Sawfish disappeared into the murk. As there were no other Smalltooth Sawfish sightings during our time in Andros, it turned out that I was the only one from our group to see one underwater, let alone get a photograph.  Later Andy asked to see my “back end photo” but given how underwhelming it is, I refused to show him!