Oct. 2006
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On 6th October 2006 I met Chris Powell at his home in Ashford, Kent at 5.00 am and we drove to Somerset for a dive at Vobster Quay.

This former quarry is approximately five miles from the market town of Frome and has thirty-six acres of freshwater diving with depths ranging from 6 to 36 metres. Even though we stopped for breakfast en route, we arrived at Vobster Bay just 5 minutes after it opened at 9.00 am.

Chris and I enjoyed two dives (my dives 1326 and 1327) and saw numerous Rainbow Trout as well as some of the underwater attractions including part of an aircraft fuselage and several car wrecks. During our two dives, we passed through several thermo climes. Shortly after dropping through one, my Subal Domeport plastic shield suddenly split into several pieces. For one awful second I thought that my Subal housing had flooded. Chris and I picked up the pieces and the shield was subsequently replaced free of charge by Ocean Optics of London, my underwater camera stockists.